Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Challenge: Day 1 Measurements

So yesterday morning, Natasha took my measurements.  It's the beginning of this Challenge, so here's where I have to improve from:

I'm 5'5" and weighed in at 133.6 pounds
Current bodyfat is 15.4%

My problem areas are my hips and legs.  That's where I hold the bulk of my bodyfat.  Yep, I know some of you can relate.

I'm not sure what all she's got planned for this but... that is definitely the area that we are targeting.


My Goal

My goal really is just to get a little leaner and more toned.  Nothing insane, just fit.  Perhaps 12% bodyfat would be about right for my hips?  I don't know...just guessing...

Challenges Along the Way

I love food.  Like really, really love food.  Chips and salsa, chocolate, and to top it off, it's the season for Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte again!!!  UUUUUUUUUUUUGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, the torture of saying no to that!  I errr... can I do this?

Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte is here again!
The problem with my favorite choices isn't that I binge on them, nor is it that they make me fat.  But if I want to lean down, I'm going to have to cut them out while doing so. 

I am a weight lifter; not a cardio queen.  Although Natasha's methods aren't cardio, they're pretty heavy plyometrics.  She does incorporate minimal weights, but mostly utilizes your own body weight during workouts.  So that means a lot of crazy, non-normal moves and positions, pretty fast and with not much rest.  Yikes

I'm use to working out first thing in the morning, at around 4:30am.  While I'll still be at the gym at that time, lifting weights with my friends, my workouts with Natasha will be in the evenings.  So I've got to get my sleep and eating schedule in order.

My Fears

Honestly, a small part of me is afraid I'll fail.  But the reality is that even if that were to happen (which it won't, she produces results), what will I have lost?  Absolutely nothing.  In fact, like any challenge, getting out there and getting started is the hardest part.  Yep, I give myself this talk every time I'm on my way to see my trainer.


Natasha trains fitness competitors who are highly successful.  In fact, there was this one girl that Kayla and I saw in 24 Hr Fitness one evening doing cardio.  Wow, she looked amazing, in incredible shape.  Here's a video of the girl I'm talking about, Jessica Rae Curry, training with my trainer.  I love this, so motivating!


So now I have to ask myself how badly do I want this? 

Well, let's see; if you're close to me you know that the one feature that I'm most self-conscious about is my hip area.  I hate it, but it's genetics.  My body will always store the bulk of my fat in that area and there's nothing I can do about that.  Before weight lifting, I use to try to pick shirts that were long enough to cover my bottom, and the baggier skirts.  I would strategically carry Celeste's diaper bag or my large purse to cover as much of my backside as I possibly could. 

Granted, this is much better now.  Squats, lunges, cardio, diet and other leg exercises have helped me to slim down and tone up that area.  But I'm now at a plateau.

So do I want this?  YES!!! 

And I'm going to give all that I've got to making it happen and reaching my goals.  Day 2 and counting....


  1. wow! intense!!! I hate plyometrics.... but I know they're good :)

    you'll do awesome!
