Monday, September 24, 2012

Falling Off the Wagon

Last Tuesday was not a good day for my challenge.  I was exhausted from the leg workout the night before so I slept in, then the whole day was thrown off.  I didn't have any of my food prepared and had to go home at lunchtime to let our new Akita out for his potty break, which ended up being around 2pm because of some things I had to wait on at work. 

So what did I do?  Ate a Chicken Sausage Wrap from Starbucks for breakfast.  Then I had some oatmeal for a snack.  Then a couple of brown rice cakes.  Then I had some grilled chicken, green beans and brown rice for lunch.  Then half a shake for a snack, then a chocolate chip Nutra Cookie for another snack, then (it's about to get real...) pizza for dinner, followed up by buttery popcorn before going to bed.

Oh man, I felt so bad for doing all of that the next day.  It's like a crazy carb load because I failed to plan ahead.

Getting Over It

So I made some bad choices that made me feel terrible after.  It's not ideal, but it happens.  And it certainly doesn't mean it's the end of my dreams of reaching my goals.

Sometimes we allow ourselves to get so consumed with guilt from falling off the wagon that we stay there and never attempt to get back on.  But really, all you've done is taken a step back; it doesn't take much to take a few steps forward.

A Few Tips to Help

Grab a photo of you before you started and a a photo that represents what you want to look like.  Look at these often for motivation. 

Network with supportive people and avoid the ones who will tell you that you can't succeed.  There's no point in spending time with negativity, especially when you have to give your self a pep talk to stick to your goals (yes, I talk to myself, lol!).

When you make bad eating choices, don't give up on your diet or workout.  Pick back up where you left off as if nothing ever happened and you will continue to see results.

Be realistic.  Give yourself a cheat day (or meals) to look forward to. 

Bottom line, don't make it harder than it should be.  Keep moving forward.

=) Amanda

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