Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Challenge Update: Leaning Up

Today marks day 18 of my Challenge

I'm 5'5" and weighed in at 131.8 pounds
Current body fat is 13.2%
That's a total loss of 1.8 pounds and 2.2% body fat.

Granted, the updated measurements were taken post-workout instead of pre-workout as the original ones were, so that may make a difference.  This coming Saturday, I'm going to have my measurements taken before class (just like my starting measurements were taken) to get another read on my progress.

What Is My Goal?

Really, it's just to lose some hip fat and to build a little more muscle in that area.  And to be challenged; to be pushed a little harder.  I can honestly say it's working all the way around. 

What Is This Body Fat Thing About?

It's not so much about pounds as it is about body fat.  I honestly don't care about the number on the scale anymore, rather how my skirts are fitting me. 

As mentioned near the end of my very first post on this blog, I gained weight when I put on muscle and lost body fat, but I lost inches.  Body fat isn't about how thick you are, rather it's about the layers of fat that you have laying on top of your muscle and bone structure (think jiggle and dimples).  Your body fat percentage is just a measurement of how much of your weight is attributed to actual fat.  Therefore, at 13.2% body fat and a weight of 131.8 pounds, I have 17.4 pounds of fat on my body, which is considered pretty lean (even though the majority of it seems to be dispursed right where I don't like it... makes hard falls pretty safe though hah).

Body Fat Chart

I really could care less if I ever hit the 110-120 range every again; I just don't want to be jiggly.  Granted, I am happy with who I am now so you must understand that this isn't about getting super skinny or thinking I'm fat because honestly, I don't.  Rather, it's about being a bit more fit and reaching new heights with new challenges.  Why not set the bar high, especially when the holidays are looming and we ALL love that turkey and dressing, and the yummy deliciousness of all the sugary treats and warm cocoa during the season?  ;)

Fat Loss, Not Just Pounds on the Scale

Weight loss is always a hot topic.  With obesity rates at record highs, so many people are continuously looking for ways to lose weight.  And while the number on the scale certainly plays a part, it's not really what most people want in the end for their transformation.  Fat loss is really what you want, not muscle loss.  So let me ask you this: would you rather be 130 pounds and a size 8 or 135 pounds and a size 4-6?  That number on the scale is what you see; the inches are what everyone else sees.

So How Do I Lose Fat and Maintain Muscle?

  1. Diet.  Make sure that you are getting the adequate amount of protein needed to support your goals.  It is commonly recommended to take 1.2-1.5g of protein in per pound of body weight, per day.  If you don't eat enough meat or egg whites, this is a great time to start.  And add in some lean protein shakes if necesary to help you reach those goals.
  2. Exercise.  If you're going to the gym, try doing some sort of resistance training (weight lifting), and try to stay away from only doing cardio exercises (treadmill, cycling, elliptical, etc.).  Resistance training will strengthen your muscles; your body's metabolism will increase and you will burn more calories throughout the day.
Here's an image that I found online of someone at 250 pounds and at 120 pounds.  You can see the fatty areas (yellow) and the muscle areas (red).  Notice how the bone structure even has less stress on it now with the lighter amounts of body fat.

Hopefully this puts a better visualization on what I'm referring to when I mention losing some body fat and maintaining muscle.

Fat Dungeon

=) Amanda

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