Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Making it Through the Cravings

Yesterday was day 4 of my challenge.  It was the first day back at work following the lean meal plan, and really the first day of accountability and seriously buckling down on my diet.

Oh. My. Word.  The cravings!   

Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte was calling my name all day long... but somehow I managed to resist.  (Yeah, I have no idea how that happened either.)  I had a little craving for some chocolate, too, but I just put on my headphones, cranked up the music on my pc and started drinking more water while working.  And slowly, the thoughts of heading to the vending machines left.

Training Session

Last night was my first real personal training session with Natasha (last time was the performance test).  Kayla and I were able to train together and we were completely wiped out afterwards.  Almost immediately my triceps hurt, shoulders hurt, traps hurt, lats hurt, and I'm pretty excited about that!  It's been a while since I've felt this kind of sore!

Afterwards, I was literally so hungry I would have eaten a fat tub of greasy cheese if someone would have placed it in front of me.  I called Eric on the way home to find out what he wanted to do for dinner, and you won't believe what he said!

"We could order something from the Taqueria?  Or what about Kelley's?  Or maybe Chili's?"

Oh yeah.  He's my enabler.  ;)

So I pulled over, flipped around and made my way back to H-E-B for something from My Fit Foods.  He wanted breakfast stuff and I tried the Chili. 

My Fit Foods' Denyse's Killuh Chili
My Fit Foods' Denyse's Killuh Chili

One bite and I was hooked.  Oh wow, this stuff is amazing!!  Just the right amount of spice, plus there was some cilantro on top (YUM!!!).  Sigh... I was in chili heaven!  There was this battle going on between my growling stomach and my taste buds that were wanting to savor every bite.  Sooo, so very good!

Afterward, Celeste and I were flexing our huge, swoll muscles for Eric in the kitchen.  Yeah, it was a good evening.  And... I didn't have one Pumpkin Spice Latte today!!!  Yay!!!

Ladies have muscles ;)

=) Amanda


  1. Lol love the pic btw your arms look amazing! :) you inspire me. Keep up the good work. Love reading your blogs.
