Monday, September 10, 2012

First Hardcore Leg Day & Back to Diet

So today is leg day with Natasha.  I'm scared.  No wait, I think morbidly petrified describes it much better.  Yes, definitely. 

Once a week, she takes the clients that she is training to compete in upcoming fitness competitions to train legs, all together.  So we're talking about people who are reaching hard for their public goals, most of which are within the next 8-10 weeks. 

I'm still learning how to do the 1,435,832,492 different rapid movements that she has us do so I'm quite certain that I'm going to look like the wannabe moron that everyone has pity on.  I am totally being a chicken!  But I'm still going; have to at least try, right?  Maybe it won't be too bad...

Eating After Cheat Day

So today was my first full hardcore day back on eating right.  I'm not gonna lie, eating bland food makes me really miss flavoring.  But it's not completely terrible since I've just had the things I shouldn't and I know I get to have them again this weekend.

Green Beans, Chicken and Sweet Potatoes (with cinnamon)

It's so weird though how I could put away 400 calories worth of chips and still be a little hungry; but eating under that amount of calories in chicken, green beans and sweet potatoes has me stuffed, even before I finish.  Really puts things into perspective on empty calories vs. the right ones.

Healthy Meals

For those of you who aren't going to be going on any sort of lean diet such as I'm on any time soon, but are wanting to eat healthier, has some pretty good recipes (search for "healthified").  One of the biggest hits around our home is the Healthified Stuffed Chicken Parmesan.  This one has 11g of fat, 10g of carbs (2g of which are fiber and 3g of which are sugar) and 38g of protein.  When I make mine though, I use the fat free cream cheese instead of the 1/3 less fat one, and this helps improve those numbers even more (and it tastes simply amazing!).  It also reheats pretty well in the microwave, compared to other food items with chicken breast in them.

I Did It!

Okay, so I just got back from leg day with Natasha and the girls and wow, that was hardcore.  I was panting.  I was red.  Sweat was coming from places I didn't know I could sweat from.  It wasn't easy; I thought I would hurl a few times.  But I like it!!!  Saying goodbye to my flabby thighs pronto!!!!  (Can I get an amen?)

Off to bed now before I eat everything in the house.

=) Amanda

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