Thursday, September 27, 2012

Resisting Sugar and... Healthy Pancakes!!!

First, let me tell you how much I love sugar.  Homemade cookies and cakes get me every time.  The less perfect it is, usually the yummier it tastes, right?  I can hardly resist a homemade chocolate cake with homemade chocolate icing.  Mmmmmmmmmm.... so yummy!!! 

When I allow myself to indulge, I'm a frequent customer of Rise Cupcakes in Friendswood, Sugarbaby's in Houston, The Chocolate Bar on Kirby, Piccomolo in Friendswood, Sweet Lola's Yogurt Bar in midtown (Houston), and my all-time favorite (because I can eat yummy food there too): The Cheesecake Factory in the Houston Galleria.

We're getting a Cheesecake Factory here at Baybrook Mall (suppose to be open in November), and I'm already dreading the challenge I'm going to face of turning down the sugary goodness after each meal.

How Do You Resist?

So now, I'm forced to find ways to satisfy that sugar craving in a healthy way.  It. Is. Not. Easy.  Everywhere I look, beautifully tempting sugary temptations are waiting to join the jiggle on my hips.

HEB Bakery: Mmmmmmmmmmm... but... ?

The only way for me personally to avoid diving in is to look the other way.  It's not always easy, and yes, there are times when I let my eyes rest of the beautiful creations at the H-E-B bakery.  What??  They're gorgeous!  But then I tell myself that they never taste as yummy as they look and I force myself to move on.  And the ice cream aisle?  Oh, I completely have to go around that one.  Ice cream?  What ice cream?  I didn't see any ice cream... 

And the key is also to find healthy substitutes that are still yummy and I can look forward to eating.

Yummy Pancakes!!!

So it's great to get your oats (complex carbs for energy), egg whites (protein) and a protein shake in the mornings.  For a while, I did these separately.  That worked, but I also like to change things up from time to time.  Some friends of mine (Kayla and Amy) have both been making protein pancakes that they are loving, so I thought I'd look up the recipe and try them. 

It took a while to get it just the way I like it.  This first attempt was by stirring 2 scoops Vi, 1/2 cup oats and 2 egg whites in a bowl and cooking that on a pan sprayed with the fake butter spray stuff that has 0 calories, etc. 

These turned out pretty dry tasting.  They didn't cook evenly because the oats were soaking up every bit of liquid while being cooked and they just ended up being blah.  So Kayla mentioned something about adding cinnamon, and I came up with the following yummy concoction last night:

Protein Pancakes
makes 1 large pancake

3 scoops Vi
3 egg whites
1/2 cup oats
1-2 tsp. cinnamon
~ 1/2 - 3/4 cup water (for consistency)

Blend protein powder, oats and cinnamon in a blender until the oats are finely chopped.  Mix ingredients well, then cook.

I made a couple last night, cut them up and placed them in plastic containers for this morning; and they were still fresh and moist!  I had one whole pancake with 2 boiled egg whites for breakfast, which totaled 390 calories: 41g carbs, 5g fat, 46g protein, 13g fiber (oooooh yeah...!) and less than 1g sugar.

Mmmmmmmmmm... yummy and healthy goodness for my sweet tooth

So for this morning, my sweet tooth is satisfied and my belly is full.  And yes, the 13g of fiber has made for some interesting gasps this morning!

=) Amanda

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Diet Modifications & Cooking Tilapia

I'm a nerd.  A pretty big nerd. 

Last night during my training session, Natasha informed me that she'd just completed my diet modifications to help me reach my goals.

Picture this: I was in the middle of doing a modified push up/squat thing with dumbbells.  As I jumped back up into a squat, she told me this.  I got so excited that I said something like, "Yess!!!" and completely overshot my squat and fell forward.  I busted out laughing; yes, I'm a nerd.  This is what I love.


I've seen some changes in the few short weeks that I've been with Natasha.  My winged hips are getting a little less winged; I think it would take a bigger gust of wind to make me fly now.  And... my abs!!  There is something firming up under my tummy skin!  The other day I was laying in bed, I rested my hand on my stomach and was literally shocked at what I felt there!  I'd skipped the ab workouts in my routine before a whole lot.  My goodness, I love these changes!

A Lot of it's in the Diet

By diet, I don't mean salads all the time.  Nor do I mean Lean Cuisines.  But a lot of the loss of my body fat is attributed to how I'm eating.

It's a lifestyle, really.  It's about eating grilled chicken or fish instead of pasta or pizza.  It's about eating green beans, broccoli, spinach and asparagus; and making choices like brown rice and sweet potatoes instead of chips, or oats instead of cereal.  And incorporating a well-balanced, lean shake for my snacks.

Cooking Tilapia

One of my favorite things to eat is tilapia.  It's super lean, crammed full of protein and yummy!  I've never had it taste fishy with how I usually prepare it, and since I've been asked many times how I do prepare it, I took the following video last night.  (Please forgive the way I look; we had just taken the dogs out for a run!)  It's pretty simple. 

Regardless of what you do, remember that you're going to see your best, long-lasting results when you make the choice to make it a lifestyle change.  It's not one decision that fixes any weight issues, rather it's the decisions we make every day about the things that we are putting in our mouths that can either help your feel better or worse, and look better or worse. 

Start small.  Find healthy things that you like and incorporate them into your diet.  Slowly branch out.  You'll be so glad you did.

=) Amanda

Monday, September 24, 2012

Falling Off the Wagon

Last Tuesday was not a good day for my challenge.  I was exhausted from the leg workout the night before so I slept in, then the whole day was thrown off.  I didn't have any of my food prepared and had to go home at lunchtime to let our new Akita out for his potty break, which ended up being around 2pm because of some things I had to wait on at work. 

So what did I do?  Ate a Chicken Sausage Wrap from Starbucks for breakfast.  Then I had some oatmeal for a snack.  Then a couple of brown rice cakes.  Then I had some grilled chicken, green beans and brown rice for lunch.  Then half a shake for a snack, then a chocolate chip Nutra Cookie for another snack, then (it's about to get real...) pizza for dinner, followed up by buttery popcorn before going to bed.

Oh man, I felt so bad for doing all of that the next day.  It's like a crazy carb load because I failed to plan ahead.

Getting Over It

So I made some bad choices that made me feel terrible after.  It's not ideal, but it happens.  And it certainly doesn't mean it's the end of my dreams of reaching my goals.

Sometimes we allow ourselves to get so consumed with guilt from falling off the wagon that we stay there and never attempt to get back on.  But really, all you've done is taken a step back; it doesn't take much to take a few steps forward.

A Few Tips to Help

Grab a photo of you before you started and a a photo that represents what you want to look like.  Look at these often for motivation. 

Network with supportive people and avoid the ones who will tell you that you can't succeed.  There's no point in spending time with negativity, especially when you have to give your self a pep talk to stick to your goals (yes, I talk to myself, lol!).

When you make bad eating choices, don't give up on your diet or workout.  Pick back up where you left off as if nothing ever happened and you will continue to see results.

Be realistic.  Give yourself a cheat day (or meals) to look forward to. 

Bottom line, don't make it harder than it should be.  Keep moving forward.

=) Amanda

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Challenge Update: Leaning Up

Today marks day 18 of my Challenge

I'm 5'5" and weighed in at 131.8 pounds
Current body fat is 13.2%
That's a total loss of 1.8 pounds and 2.2% body fat.

Granted, the updated measurements were taken post-workout instead of pre-workout as the original ones were, so that may make a difference.  This coming Saturday, I'm going to have my measurements taken before class (just like my starting measurements were taken) to get another read on my progress.

What Is My Goal?

Really, it's just to lose some hip fat and to build a little more muscle in that area.  And to be challenged; to be pushed a little harder.  I can honestly say it's working all the way around. 

What Is This Body Fat Thing About?

It's not so much about pounds as it is about body fat.  I honestly don't care about the number on the scale anymore, rather how my skirts are fitting me. 

As mentioned near the end of my very first post on this blog, I gained weight when I put on muscle and lost body fat, but I lost inches.  Body fat isn't about how thick you are, rather it's about the layers of fat that you have laying on top of your muscle and bone structure (think jiggle and dimples).  Your body fat percentage is just a measurement of how much of your weight is attributed to actual fat.  Therefore, at 13.2% body fat and a weight of 131.8 pounds, I have 17.4 pounds of fat on my body, which is considered pretty lean (even though the majority of it seems to be dispursed right where I don't like it... makes hard falls pretty safe though hah).

Body Fat Chart

I really could care less if I ever hit the 110-120 range every again; I just don't want to be jiggly.  Granted, I am happy with who I am now so you must understand that this isn't about getting super skinny or thinking I'm fat because honestly, I don't.  Rather, it's about being a bit more fit and reaching new heights with new challenges.  Why not set the bar high, especially when the holidays are looming and we ALL love that turkey and dressing, and the yummy deliciousness of all the sugary treats and warm cocoa during the season?  ;)

Fat Loss, Not Just Pounds on the Scale

Weight loss is always a hot topic.  With obesity rates at record highs, so many people are continuously looking for ways to lose weight.  And while the number on the scale certainly plays a part, it's not really what most people want in the end for their transformation.  Fat loss is really what you want, not muscle loss.  So let me ask you this: would you rather be 130 pounds and a size 8 or 135 pounds and a size 4-6?  That number on the scale is what you see; the inches are what everyone else sees.

So How Do I Lose Fat and Maintain Muscle?

  1. Diet.  Make sure that you are getting the adequate amount of protein needed to support your goals.  It is commonly recommended to take 1.2-1.5g of protein in per pound of body weight, per day.  If you don't eat enough meat or egg whites, this is a great time to start.  And add in some lean protein shakes if necesary to help you reach those goals.
  2. Exercise.  If you're going to the gym, try doing some sort of resistance training (weight lifting), and try to stay away from only doing cardio exercises (treadmill, cycling, elliptical, etc.).  Resistance training will strengthen your muscles; your body's metabolism will increase and you will burn more calories throughout the day.
Here's an image that I found online of someone at 250 pounds and at 120 pounds.  You can see the fatty areas (yellow) and the muscle areas (red).  Notice how the bone structure even has less stress on it now with the lighter amounts of body fat.

Hopefully this puts a better visualization on what I'm referring to when I mention losing some body fat and maintaining muscle.

Fat Dungeon

=) Amanda

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Muscle Soreness & Supplements

During the night Monday night, my leg muscles started cramping up from the leg workout with the girls.  I couldn't get comfortable, regardless of the position I was sleeping in.  Then it seemed like seconds later, I woke up to a tiny fist in my face.  Needless to say, I was exhausted on Tuesday!  And I think it's time to up the glutamine intake perhaps?

The Cause

Muscle soreness is caused by trauma to your muscle fibers.  Think of it this way: you're essentially tearing down your muscle during a workout and the soreness is your body's reaction to that breakdown during the healing process. 

No Pain, No Gain... sort of!

I secretly love when I get this type of soreness.  It's not a sharp pain that alerts you that you've hurt yourself, rather a dull one that lets you know that you've really worked those muscles.  In fact, I feel like I didn't really have a great workout if I don't feel it.  Without the soreness, I almost feel as though I didn't really push myself to any new gains, you know? 

What Helps

Glutamine can greatly help to alleviate muscle soreness.  I usually add a little over 10g in my post-workout shake.  The one I have is in the photo here; it's tasteless and odorless.  It has a tiny bit of a gritty texture, but it is barely noticeable.  Eric's trainer has him on 30g of glutamine per day to help with this.  The amounts will vary based on your needs.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) are also very good with promoting muscle growth and helping with recovery.  I've read information that says it's best to take your BCAAs before a workout, and some that have recommended taking some before and some after.  I personally am doing both, but have found that I can't take these on an empty stomach because it makes me a bit nauseous.

Why Take Supplements?

Think of it this way: you're putting your body through a bit of stress when working out and it will be utilizing a lot of the nutrients already in your body.  So why not give it the proper nutrition that it needs, and the amount that it needs?  It just makes sense to take care of yourself.

You can purchase this stuff at your local nutrition store.  If you're in Texas and are close to a larger H-E-B that has a healthy living section, then you can locate these items there.  I personally like Nutrition Depot because they're much more reasonable (and because I get 10% off on top of those low prices as a client of Natasha's).  You can also find these things at your local Vitamin Shoppe or even order them online from

My Supplements

Currently, I'm taking the glutamine and BCAAs mentioned above, my protein shakes and the Vi-Pak.  The Vi-Pak contains an amazing multi-mineral and vitamin, an anti-aging and energy pill that works on the cellular level, omega vitals (no fishy taste, no aftertaste, incredible for your hair and skin health), and a supercharged antioxidant that fights off free radicals in the body.

Another one of the cool things about the Vi-Pak is that it makes things simple for me because it's already sorted out.  To be honest, I'm a bit lazy about sorting out pills for the day/week and it gets a bit cumbersome.  Oftentimes I would put it off and then not take them.  But with the Vi-Pak, everything comes already sorted out for you (as shown by photos I found online) in morning and evening packets.  It's perfect for my lazy tail!

Daily supplements already sorted

AM packet example

As I always state, don't get overwhelmed by all of this information.  Baby steps are okay.  It took me a while to absorb all of this information and there's still more that I'm learning every day.  Keep it simple and start with the small stuff, then branch out from there.  Every step counts, even if they are baby steps. 

=) Amanda

Monday, September 10, 2012

First Hardcore Leg Day & Back to Diet

So today is leg day with Natasha.  I'm scared.  No wait, I think morbidly petrified describes it much better.  Yes, definitely. 

Once a week, she takes the clients that she is training to compete in upcoming fitness competitions to train legs, all together.  So we're talking about people who are reaching hard for their public goals, most of which are within the next 8-10 weeks. 

I'm still learning how to do the 1,435,832,492 different rapid movements that she has us do so I'm quite certain that I'm going to look like the wannabe moron that everyone has pity on.  I am totally being a chicken!  But I'm still going; have to at least try, right?  Maybe it won't be too bad...

Eating After Cheat Day

So today was my first full hardcore day back on eating right.  I'm not gonna lie, eating bland food makes me really miss flavoring.  But it's not completely terrible since I've just had the things I shouldn't and I know I get to have them again this weekend.

Green Beans, Chicken and Sweet Potatoes (with cinnamon)

It's so weird though how I could put away 400 calories worth of chips and still be a little hungry; but eating under that amount of calories in chicken, green beans and sweet potatoes has me stuffed, even before I finish.  Really puts things into perspective on empty calories vs. the right ones.

Healthy Meals

For those of you who aren't going to be going on any sort of lean diet such as I'm on any time soon, but are wanting to eat healthier, has some pretty good recipes (search for "healthified").  One of the biggest hits around our home is the Healthified Stuffed Chicken Parmesan.  This one has 11g of fat, 10g of carbs (2g of which are fiber and 3g of which are sugar) and 38g of protein.  When I make mine though, I use the fat free cream cheese instead of the 1/3 less fat one, and this helps improve those numbers even more (and it tastes simply amazing!).  It also reheats pretty well in the microwave, compared to other food items with chicken breast in them.

I Did It!

Okay, so I just got back from leg day with Natasha and the girls and wow, that was hardcore.  I was panting.  I was red.  Sweat was coming from places I didn't know I could sweat from.  It wasn't easy; I thought I would hurl a few times.  But I like it!!!  Saying goodbye to my flabby thighs pronto!!!!  (Can I get an amen?)

Off to bed now before I eat everything in the house.

=) Amanda

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nutritional Relief & Cheat Days

What in the world was I thinking, starting a health Challenge now right when the holidays are about to be in full swing?  Oh. My. Goodness!  The Pumpkin Spice Lattes, the Salted Caramel Mocha, the caramel hot chocolates.... the yumminess of the holiday season has just started up and I'm having to have "come-to-Jesus meetings" with myself every day (multiple times a day) to stay away.  I'd be lying if I said I find it easy to say no to the delicious sugary goodness of the Starbucks holiday drinks; in fact, I've caved a couple times already.  (Yikes)

Momentary Relief

When you're eating oatmeal in the morning on a lean diet, the goal isn't to get that yummy, sweet buttery flavor.  It really is just oats and water, and some cinnamon if you'd like.  But no sugar, no milk and no butter.  And no salt.  So basically, blah.  When I eat it, I keep telling myself "This too shall pass," and think of the comforting feeling it's going to provide my hungry stomach rather the whining my taste buds are doing. 

One of the really cool things about promoting Vi is the incredible people that you get to meet. One such sweet person, Darlene, had mentioned something to me in the gym about adding her Vi protein to her morning oatmeal. So I tried it, and it was pretty good!  Vi is naturally a little sweet, with less than 1g of sugar and 5g of fiber, so I got extra protein and fiber with my complex carbs (oats are complex carbs).

Vi protein added to oatmeal

Yummy Protein Shakes

After my morning workouts, I usually grab a protein shake with some added glutamine.  One of my favorites is the Caramel Frap.  I also do this one in the afternoon sometimes (minus the glutamine) for an afternoon snack.  If I don't, I would end up eating some candy or chips from the vending machine.  This way, I get in the calories and protein that I need and it's yummy!

About to blend one of my favorites at work, the Caramel Frap protein shake!

I've been asked how I make this shake, so I'd made a video showing how I usually make it (without the glutamine).  This is without a doubt one of our biggest hits; it's soooo good!  Right now though, I'm not using any creamer at all in my shakes; trying to avoid the extra sugars and other simple carbs as much as possible.


Tricks for the Palate

While in Target yesterday morning, I made a super cool discovery!  Sugar free coffee syrups for the holidays!  The Pumpkin Spice one has 0 calories, fats, sugars, carbs and protein, and 5mg of sodium (in 2 Tbsp).  It doesn't taste exactly the same as the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, but it gets close enough to do the trick!  I'm thinking of trying this one instead of the caramel syrup in the Caramel Frap to see how that goes.

Sugar free coffee syrups for the holidays!
My sweet friend, Michelle, found these Starbucks VIA in Pumpkin Spice!  They only have 13g of sugar!!!  This is sooooo much better than the 46g+ or so that are in just a tall (even nonfat, no whip).  I ran all over before I found some to buy this weekend and I can't wait until my next cheat day to have them!  Thank you so much, Michelle!

Pumpkin Spice VIAPumpkin Spice VIA

Cheat Days

It is hard for me to sit still today.  Yesterday was my cheat day for the week.  Oh yeah, I totally had a nonfat , no whip tall Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL).  And I even ate some chips after dinner too.  I am really, really not use to this whole cheat day thing though; I feel terrible that I've done that. 

The concept of cheat days (or meals) is it helps you stay with your diet by giving you something rewarding to look forward to that will satisfy those cravings and therefore keep you sticking with your diet and reaching for your goals.  But... that being said, I still feel like I threw it all away by doing that this weekend.  In fact, I felt so guilty that I went and did some cardio this morning, even though I wasn't suppose to.  I didn't do much because I ended up having to do some other things that came up, but I almost went back for more this afternoon.  

I kept thinking of my problem areas this whole weekend.  Every sip of my PSL went down slowly.  Yah, there were small voices telling me I was ruining everything Natasha has done with me this week.  But I'm not going to give up; here's to eating clean this week and leaning up a bit more!  Now where's that chicken breast and green beans?

=) Amanda

Friday, September 7, 2012

Should I Start with Cardio or Weights?

This is one question that every single person who starts trying to pursue a more active, healthy lifestyle asks.  I asked this question, my friends have pretty much all asked this question.  Most everyone has wondered at some point what would be better for them.

What Does Cardio Do?

Cardio exercises (StairMaster, treadmill, elliptical, cycling, running, walking, sprints, jump rope, etc.) increase your heart rate and are excellent ways to burn fat.  Your body will use fat and carbs for energy during the exercises.  And if you perform High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), you can get a more efficient workout (better burn in less time).

What Does Weight Training Do?

Weight training builds your muscles and gives you tone and definition.  Muscles increase your body's metabolism naturally; some research suggests that muscle burns 5.5 times the amount of calories as fat.  So if you want to lean down and get in shape, you should always incorporate weight training in your routine somehow.

5 lbs of fat vs. 5 lbs of muscle

My Body Just Doesn't Burn Fat Like it Use To

Lou Schuler's New Rules of Lifting for Women states that during your 20's-30s, you will begin to naturally lose about 0.5 pounds of muscle per year (unless you are working to maintain or build your muscle mass). 

Now factor in that muscle increases your metabolism (meaning your body burns more fat with muscle).  If you've been slowly losing that muscle due to not performing any type of resistance training, then of course your metabolism has slowed down. 

When I read this in the New Rules of Lifting for Women, it's like a light bulb went off.  I hadn't been doing any sort of weight training at all and  I was already in my late twenties, so obviously I'd lost a bit of natural muscle mass.  I cannot begin to count the number of older women who've said to me, "Just wait until (insert younger person's name) gets older; it will catch up with him/her, you'll see.  They won't always look that great."  Statements like those just come from lack of understanding the root cause of the decreasing metabolic rate as we age.

Which Should I Do?

Incorporate both.  It's best to do some sort of weight training and cardio.  If you're just starting, try following a weight training routine and after your workouts, do about 15-20 minutes of some type of cardio.  Or if you're more hardcore, doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach can be pretty beneficial, and then do a weightlifting session in the afternoon. 

Regardless of what you do, the hardest step will be the one out your front door to head to the gym.  But realize that every single person (whether big or small) has to start somewhere.  And once you've gotten started, the rest comes a whole lot easier.

If you're a newbie in the gym and are so afraid you'll look like an idiot by the weight racks that you just want to do some cardio while getting a feel for the gym (like I sort-of did), then that's perfectly fine.  Give yourself some credit; you're getting started.

Think baby steps. 

Baby steps

Don't Forget Your Diet

Remember, there's an 80/20 rule for weight loss; 80% of your weight loss will be contributed to your diet, and 20% is contributed to your workout.  If you don't eat properly, you will be working your tail off in the gym merely to maintain and not to improve.  If your want better results, proper nutrition is where it's at.

Bottom line: You've got this.  You can do it.

=) Amanda

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Making it Through the Cravings

Yesterday was day 4 of my challenge.  It was the first day back at work following the lean meal plan, and really the first day of accountability and seriously buckling down on my diet.

Oh. My. Word.  The cravings!   

Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte was calling my name all day long... but somehow I managed to resist.  (Yeah, I have no idea how that happened either.)  I had a little craving for some chocolate, too, but I just put on my headphones, cranked up the music on my pc and started drinking more water while working.  And slowly, the thoughts of heading to the vending machines left.

Training Session

Last night was my first real personal training session with Natasha (last time was the performance test).  Kayla and I were able to train together and we were completely wiped out afterwards.  Almost immediately my triceps hurt, shoulders hurt, traps hurt, lats hurt, and I'm pretty excited about that!  It's been a while since I've felt this kind of sore!

Afterwards, I was literally so hungry I would have eaten a fat tub of greasy cheese if someone would have placed it in front of me.  I called Eric on the way home to find out what he wanted to do for dinner, and you won't believe what he said!

"We could order something from the Taqueria?  Or what about Kelley's?  Or maybe Chili's?"

Oh yeah.  He's my enabler.  ;)

So I pulled over, flipped around and made my way back to H-E-B for something from My Fit Foods.  He wanted breakfast stuff and I tried the Chili. 

My Fit Foods' Denyse's Killuh Chili
My Fit Foods' Denyse's Killuh Chili

One bite and I was hooked.  Oh wow, this stuff is amazing!!  Just the right amount of spice, plus there was some cilantro on top (YUM!!!).  Sigh... I was in chili heaven!  There was this battle going on between my growling stomach and my taste buds that were wanting to savor every bite.  Sooo, so very good!

Afterward, Celeste and I were flexing our huge, swoll muscles for Eric in the kitchen.  Yeah, it was a good evening.  And... I didn't have one Pumpkin Spice Latte today!!!  Yay!!!

Ladies have muscles ;)

=) Amanda

Monday, September 3, 2012

Dieting the Right Way

Since we have today off for the holiday, I took advantage of the day and cooked some meals for this week.  When dieting, I usually try doing this on Saturday/Sunday for the coming week because it takes some time and planning.

Why the Diet

Yep, I know, I'm not fat.  But if I want to work on losing a little of that hip fat I've been referring to, diet is the biggest factor.  Preparing meals like this for the coming week helps to avoid those bad choices we tend to make when the hunger kicks in and there's a McDonald's right across the street.  (We all do it every now and then.)

What I Do

It's kind of about cooking in bulk;  I choose a few complex carbs and cook a lot of those, a few greens and cook a lot of those, and a couple different kinds of white meat and cook a lot of that.

I bring out these little black containers that we have that are excellent for storing food; you can heat your meals in them and they're dishwasher safe.  And the food scale that we bought from H-E-B (local grocery store chain) last year.  Then I get to work.

Starting to cook some tilapia and greens

Everything laid out

More greens, brown rice and chicken breast

Creating the Meals

As things get finished, I weigh out the portions needed and place them into the containers.  So for example as a batch of green beans was completed, I would divide it out into several boxes in amounts of about 5oz each.  Then the same for the meat (6oz) and complex carbs (3oz).

You'll notice some of the green in this photo look a bit past the crunchy point.  When I diet, Eric diets.  And he absolutely cannot stand a crunchy vegetable.  In fact, it's gotta be limp, lifeless, pretty much noodly, for him to eat it.  I'm the total opposite, but I can cook the mess out of the greens if it makes him happy!

Also, we *LOVE* spicy food.  While I can eat more bland food now that I've gotten use to eating healthier, Eric is not about to go without Tony Chachere's.  ;)  Yep, we're southern.

~6oz white meat, 5oz greens and 3oz. complex carbs

When everything is finished, I put the meals for tomorrow in the fridge and the rest in the freezer.  Tomorrow morning, I'll take the meals from the fridge and put them in my lunch kit thing, then put them in the microwave for about 2 minutes at work when I'm ready for them.

Future meals stored in the freezer

What if I Don't Plan Ahead?

You might be lucky enough to have a My Fit Foods in your area.  They have many healthy options and are very yummy.  Purchasing from them is just more expensive than cooking your food yourself.  Or, if you're like me and you have a Cafe Express nearby, you can run and grab a grilled chicken breast and green beans for around $10.

Is This All I Do?

No.  This isn't everything, but it's a big part of it.  I'll write more in a coming post about my diet plan and what regimen I'm following.  But keep in mind that this is tailored to help me reach my goals with my current weight and body fat, and that this might not be the exact same plan that you should follow.  However cooking your meals like this in advance helps to save time, money and from making bad eating choices that you'll later regret.

Here's to the coming week!  Thank goodness there are only 4 work days.

=) Amanda

Sunday, September 2, 2012

My Challenge: Day 1 Measurements

So yesterday morning, Natasha took my measurements.  It's the beginning of this Challenge, so here's where I have to improve from:

I'm 5'5" and weighed in at 133.6 pounds
Current bodyfat is 15.4%

My problem areas are my hips and legs.  That's where I hold the bulk of my bodyfat.  Yep, I know some of you can relate.

I'm not sure what all she's got planned for this but... that is definitely the area that we are targeting.


My Goal

My goal really is just to get a little leaner and more toned.  Nothing insane, just fit.  Perhaps 12% bodyfat would be about right for my hips?  I don't know...just guessing...

Challenges Along the Way

I love food.  Like really, really love food.  Chips and salsa, chocolate, and to top it off, it's the season for Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte again!!!  UUUUUUUUUUUUGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, the torture of saying no to that!  I errr... can I do this?

Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte is here again!
The problem with my favorite choices isn't that I binge on them, nor is it that they make me fat.  But if I want to lean down, I'm going to have to cut them out while doing so. 

I am a weight lifter; not a cardio queen.  Although Natasha's methods aren't cardio, they're pretty heavy plyometrics.  She does incorporate minimal weights, but mostly utilizes your own body weight during workouts.  So that means a lot of crazy, non-normal moves and positions, pretty fast and with not much rest.  Yikes

I'm use to working out first thing in the morning, at around 4:30am.  While I'll still be at the gym at that time, lifting weights with my friends, my workouts with Natasha will be in the evenings.  So I've got to get my sleep and eating schedule in order.

My Fears

Honestly, a small part of me is afraid I'll fail.  But the reality is that even if that were to happen (which it won't, she produces results), what will I have lost?  Absolutely nothing.  In fact, like any challenge, getting out there and getting started is the hardest part.  Yep, I give myself this talk every time I'm on my way to see my trainer.


Natasha trains fitness competitors who are highly successful.  In fact, there was this one girl that Kayla and I saw in 24 Hr Fitness one evening doing cardio.  Wow, she looked amazing, in incredible shape.  Here's a video of the girl I'm talking about, Jessica Rae Curry, training with my trainer.  I love this, so motivating!


So now I have to ask myself how badly do I want this? 

Well, let's see; if you're close to me you know that the one feature that I'm most self-conscious about is my hip area.  I hate it, but it's genetics.  My body will always store the bulk of my fat in that area and there's nothing I can do about that.  Before weight lifting, I use to try to pick shirts that were long enough to cover my bottom, and the baggier skirts.  I would strategically carry Celeste's diaper bag or my large purse to cover as much of my backside as I possibly could. 

Granted, this is much better now.  Squats, lunges, cardio, diet and other leg exercises have helped me to slim down and tone up that area.  But I'm now at a plateau.

So do I want this?  YES!!! 

And I'm going to give all that I've got to making it happen and reaching my goals.  Day 2 and counting....