Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Overcoming Obstacles

Many people want to lose weight, get fit, or just obtain better health; but not everyone is able to stick to that goal.  Everyone has setbacks while reaching for a goal.  More often than not, this is when many give up on reaching that goal.  But those who pick up and keep reaching for that goal are the ones who hit that goal with radiant smiles and exuberance. 

Promoting Body By Vi has been such an amazing blessing for us.  Not only have we been able to supplement our income, we've been able to help people reach their goals.  And this may sound cheesy, but it really is how I feel; helping people feel good about themselves again is pretty rewarding.  I would venture to say that it's more rewarding than the income.  The money is great yes, but there's nothing that can compare to the feeling you get when someone is able to reach their goals and is thankful that you helped them.

One of My Blessings, Pam 

Pam after 5 weeks of Body By Vi, 23 pounds gone
Pam after 5 weeks of Body By Vi, 23 pounds gone
Pam has been such a blessing to me personally.  She started on Body By Vi's Shape Kit 3 months ago and has had some great results.  The photo on the left is 5 weeks into her first 90 day challenge; she had lost 23 pounds by this point.  

As of today, Pam's transformation comes to a total of 31 pounds, 17 inches and 3 skirt sizes lost, and she started on May 16 of this year. 

Like Liz, Pam has used Body By Vi to make a lifestyle change.  She has changed her eating habits to making healthier choices and has even seen an improvement in her health. 

Body By Vi isn't intended to heal any sickness or condition, but Pam has seen an improvement in her blood pressure.  In fact, in July, she told me that she'd been on blood pressure medication for the last few years and stopped taking them a few weeks prior; her blood pressure has been normal ever since and she fully credits it to her weight loss and the shakes.  She'd been told before that she'd have to be on blood pressure medication for the rest of her life, but now Pam is off the medications. 

Never Give Up

It is never easy to change.  It is difficult and scary.  I'm certain that if you were to ask Pam if all she has done were 2 shakes a day and ate lean, clean and healthy, and never put a bad morsel into her mouth, she would tell you that wasn't the case.  It never really is with anyone.  But the key is not to give up when you fall off the wagon, rather it's to get up and keep moving forward.

I binged while I was leaning down.  My personal weakness is some delicious salsa and chips.  Oooooh chips.  We have a love/love relationship.  I love chips and salsa, and it loves me so much it enjoys hanging around for a longtime after... on my hips (oooh yeah, I've felt like purchasing a beeper for when I back up at times).  Every time I give in to my cravings, I feel terrible about throwing away the progress I've been making.  But I don't give up.

Be real with yourself.  If you eat bad and put on weight, you know why it happened so get back up and try again, and you'll lose the weight.  Don't expect something unrealistic.  Set realistic goals and know that you absolutely can reach them. 

Ideal Weight

It takes everyone a different amount of time to lose the same amount of pounds.  The closer you get to your ideal weight/body fat, the slower your weight will come off.  But don't give up because you've already come over the biggest hurdle, getting started.  You've got this.

=) Amanda

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