Wednesday, August 29, 2012


We've all experienced those moments where something crushes us.  Sometimes it's a friend or family member, and it may even be a completely unavoidable circumstance.  Regardless, everyone of us goes through those moments when we feel devastated.

Being born and raised in church and in the home of a minister, I've always been taught that it's not about what happened to get you to the point you're at, rather it's about what you're going to do now to move forward.  How are you going to pick yourself up? 

One of the reasons I started working out in fact was because I hit a point like this.  And sure, I went through every emotion that we as humans go through.  But it wasn't about what happened up until that point, rather what was I going to do from there on out?  I chose to better myself by putting my frustrations into something positive. 

My time in the gym became the time that I needed to clear my head, focus on the things I needed to focus on and improve my health.  I would turn on some of my favorite upbeat inspirational music and do nothing but lift weights and think about the awesome things that were to come.  It's pretty hard to be discouraged and disappointed when you're listening to something that is uplifting. 

Some people don't understand this concept and that's okay.  What I can say is doing this created a healthier, more fit me in the end.  So instead of losing, I came out a winner. 

Tara Wilson once told me that the only thing stopping most people is themselves.  So if we were to all take that to heart, think of what we could each accomplish.  And once you remove your fears and doubts from the equations, what is really holding you back?

=) Amanda

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