Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Can't. Stop. Eating.

Maybe it's hormones?  Maybe it's just that I'm getting more use to my diet?  Or perhaps, it's because I'm now trying to eat the first of my seven daily meals before I wake my daughter up in the mornings to get her to school.

Regardless of the reason, my appetite is definitely up.  Yesterday afternoon, I'd already eaten 5 of my 7 meals for the day by 4:00pm, and I was starving for my next one.  Crazy, right?

I couldn't get enough food.  No matter how much I ate, I wanted more.

Crazy thing though.... I performed better during my workout.  Natasha heard my usual "I can't" and gasps for air, unstoppable coughing while I tried to drink water, etc.  And each time she came back at me with, "You can."  Guess what.... I did.

It was one of the hardest shoulder workouts I've ever done.  I'm not use to fast-paced workouts like hers; I learned to lift weights at a set/rep: rest pace, and there is rarely any rest with Natasha. 

I have been pretty amazed at the things she has been able to do with my body through diet and training.  Here are a few photos that she's taken over the last few weeks.

Me and Natasha, my trainer, posing in her gym

If you notice my nervous smile, it's because I don't know how to flex
Back, 2 wks into new workout/diet
Me and Natasha, my trainer

Now, this may scare some of you.  I do look a little masculine when flexing, I know.  But as I stated in a previous post, that's not how I look normally.  I still love my high heels, cute outfits and everything girly. 

It's quite incredible though how building muscle gives you a beautiful, toned shape that looks very feminine (and non-jiggly) on a female.  We shouldn't be afraid to lift weights.  Unless you're taking steroids, there's no reason to be afraid of looking like a man.

It's 10:30am now and time for my third meal.  I'm heading to the microwave with my chicken, brown rice and asparagus.  Gotta put that away soon because my belly is growling!

=) Amanda


  1. You are too awesome and I am so proud to be your trainer. You amaze me every time we train. I can't wait to see your body change in the next couple of weeks. Stay focused, follow your meal plan, train hard, and look forward to the payoff :)

  2. I just think you are really hot! Uh uh really hot! :)

    1. Hey, watch it. One day I will remarry and my future husband might not like having comments like this on my page!
