Sunday, August 26, 2012

Workout Pump

While lifting weights, your muscles swell from plasma that is trapped in them. This is brief, usually lasting for 15-30 minutes after your workout. It's commonly referred to as "pump," and doesn't last.  So that's why you'll find that the photo of Eric and I flexing looks like I have huge arms... but when you see me out of the gym, they're pretty average.

Rebekah filmed me while doing bicep curls this weekend and in her video, you can see the pump I'm referring to.  Now I must say... while watching this, I can see many areas where I need to improve my form (lower my shoulders, need to keep elbows still, etc.).  But you can still see the pump I'm referring to. 

That pump left while I was still in the locker room. 

=) Amanda

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