Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Food Poisoning Hurdles

It's been quite a while since I've been sick.  This past Sunday before church, we met with some very sweet friends at Barnes & Nobles.  After we were done, I grabbed a Turkey & Swiss sandwich from Starbucks because it was past time for me to eat and we had to hurry.  I ate in the car and about 30 minutes to an hour later, I was doubled over, cringing and holding my stomach.  It's expiration date was that day, so I should have been fine.  But something in it wasn't good any longer and wreaked havoc on my body for the next few days. 

It was pretty awful.  I'd love to paint a pretty picture of what my body went through but I can't.  There was nothing I could hold down.  On Monday, all I could stomach was some Pedialyte and a few wheat saltine crackers.

I kept telling myself that 24 hours after it started, I should be fine.  Makes sense, right?  So on Tuesday morning, I got up early and got dressed for the gym.  I ate my oats and berries and texted Natasha.  I didn't know what I was going to do at the gym, but I felt like I could conquer the world.  But when I got there, I was weak and 10 minutes at a slow walk on the treadmill had me shaking.  Yuck.  I hadn't realized how bad I looked until my boss made a comment at work about how it looked like I'd lost 5-10 pounds over night, practically.  He's probably right, I'm sure I did in water weight alone.  My watch was easily twisting completely around on my wrist.

What About the Challenge?

So obviously, being sick like this has set me back a bit.  I haven't been able to really work out yet and as of today, Wednesday, it seems like my normal appetite is coming back.  It stinks that this happened, but I'm not stopping.  I want that better me.  I want it for myself, so I'm desperately ready to give it everything I've got and get back in the game.

I'm not stopping yet!

=) Amanda

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