Thursday, April 18, 2013

Mental Progress

Getting back into the groove proved a little more challenging for my mind than I'd thought.  After going back and forth without any real consistency, I finally decided that it had to start with my meal plan first.  One Saturday became my meal prep day and at the end of the day I had enough meals prepared to last me three weeks.  True, some of the chicken was a little overcooked for microwaving later.  But somehow the rubbery chicken was tolerable and perhaps the longer chewing times provided more burned calories?

Out with the Old, in with the New

After a week of pretty good consistency with my meal plan, I felt better all around.  A coworker and I went and checked out a very reasonably priced gym in the area during lunch one day and I fell in love.  The gym has a lot of incredibly neat equipment in the weight room that I've never seen before, and several machines that target my weak areas in new ways (glutes, hamstrings, etc.).  I joined the gym on the spot.  (Hey, with a free kid's club for up to three children, a free guest each time and 2/3 the price of 24 Hr Fitness, it's a no brainer!)

Since joining this gym, I've fallen even more in love with it.  With my routine and diet, I sweat like a fat man running into a donut shop at closing time every time I'm in there, and each routine has left me with muscle soreness the following day or two.  I absolutely love the muscle soreness because it lets me know I'm making progress!

Confidence Returns

At first, I was a little intimidated with all the sweaty guys in the weight area.  I know, it's ridiculous because I'm comfortable there, but it's true.  So I cranked up my headphones and never made any direct eye contact with any of them, and my workouts were a success. 

Wouldn't you know it, I have only been approached twice now.  The first was a trainer at the gym asking me where I train my clients (haha) and the second was a guy who was trying to get his friend to do skullcrushers the way I do them.

So was there any reason for me to be so nervous?  No.  But it happens to all of us at different times.  Overcoming this comes down to asking yourself how badly you want the results you're after.  If it's bad enough, you'll suck it up and then laugh at your prior fears when it's over.

=) Amanda