Friday, November 30, 2012

My Fitness Girl in the Making

Let me start off by warning you that this is a little more personal post.  I've taken a step back to reassess some things so I've been a little MIA here.  This doesn't mean I'm giving up on fitness by any means; I'm still in the game and will be back posting more later I'm certain. 

My daughter has been coming with me to my personal training sessions and she goes with her daddy to his more hardcore, no a/c gym.  She is so very competitive and doesn't see herself as a little person; in her mind, she can lift as much weight as any adult can.

On track nights, my trainer has us do these things on bleachers that Celeste is doing in this video here.  She just decided to do them randomly while I was sitting with her at lunch.  Totally cute!

Kids.  They see everything we do and want to be just like us.  It's an incredible responsibility to be a parent.

I kind of love that she's learning about health at her young age.  If we can teach her the proper lifestyle now, she won't have to be re-taught when she is older. 
